As soon as you begin to explore
various ancient systems, whether for your healing or the surrounding space, at
some point the question of the accuracy of the information will arise. And this
is true. If everything you study does not raise questions, then perhaps you do
not learn.
The ability to distinguish
between truth and falsehood is a skill that requires constant sharpening. When
it comes to such ancient systems of knowledge as feng shui, vastu shastra,
astrology, numerology India and many
others, you come across such thick layers of knowledge, where misunderstanding,
cultural features, superstitions and facts based only on local topography and
not applicable universally.
In other words, you cannot follow
the same principles for building a home in California and somewhere in the
province of China. In this, there is nothing but common sense. You cannot
follow the same principles, even in places that seem similar, because each
situation is unique in its way, with its special air circulation, light, and
Exploring Feng Shui and Vastu
Shastra, take from them what is right for you today, and leave the rest for
later. Over time, you will discover pearls, real treasures, and, perhaps, it
will happen immediately, it is only necessary to lay out the ancient
information encrypted in the symbols carefully.
Yes, what we perceive and know
about the vastu India and Feng Shui
can be very limited, since ancient wisdom is not easy to translate into modern
language and it is not easy to apply it in the contemporary world. However, if
you allow your intuition to read the information, then the benefits from both
systems of knowledge will be enormous.
There is much in common between
Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra. After all, both systems are based on knowledge of
the flow of universal energy, known as qi in Chinese culture and as prana in