Thursday, 21 December 2017

Medical Astrology for health and pregnancy!

Medical astrology is significant for every person but under certain conditions. A person must learn these circumstances; the earlier, the better. In any case, a person lives in disharmony, the task of medicine is to restore a harmonious state to a person. First of all, for harmonization it is necessary to establish normal relations with the world around us, without these relationships, health problems for a person will necessarily arise.

Diseases are associated with our way of life, with our emotions and thoughts, and not just with physical factors. All our negative, oppressed, embittered states lead to diseases. Conversely, a person who controls his energy, living in accordance with the laws of the cosmos, will not be sick. Disease, that is, a violation at the physical level, at the level of the body, is already the last stage of the process. In the beginning, disturbances arise on the mental (thought), then on the astral (feelings, emotions), and then on the physical (body) level. And you need to treat everything in the complex.

Medical astrologer should deal with a person who is a professional doctor and astrologer at the same time. An astrologer who is not a doctor should not undertake independent treatment, but he can advise the patient and the doctor on the timing of a particular treatment, the possible consequences, and side effects. An astrologer can correct a person's way of life, mobilize his intellectual and moral potential to fight illnesses.

In women, the cycle of the lunar phases coincides with the menstrual cycle. Of course, it is not always and not precisely maintained by all, there are some deviations, but on the whole, this cycle coincides with the lunar phases. So, the highest pregnancy horoscope prediction of conception, the beginning of pregnancy, is in the lunar phase, on which this woman was born. 

Astral Numerology and its origins - Understand the foundations of this pseudoscience

You have probably heard about numerology. But, have you stopped to think where it comes from and how does it work? Humanity has used astral numerology since antiquity as a method for predictions, always seeking to discover the meaning of the symbolic value of numbers. 

Ancient peoples, each in its way, developed a system of astral numerology that allowed them to relate meanings to names, to evaluate the results and predictions for the future of personal life. Interestingly, all peoples were connected in numbers, such as the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Chinese, and the Romans.

Today, best numerologist in India has as the basis for astral numerology the Arabic numerals, which have become universal. While they did not yet exist, yet people find means to use the numbers giving a value to each letter, as it did with the Kabbalah among the Hebrews, who created one of the main Great Mysteries.

Astral numerology and its combinations

When combined, the numbers express their harmonic relationship with natural phenomena, such as, among others, the cycle of the seasons, the movement of the stars, the geometric proportions, and even musical harmony.

For Pythagoras, everything in the Universe is arranged according to numbers and, without understanding its meanings, we fail to perceive the connections in our lives. If we know numerical purposes, we can change our destiny.

Astral numerologist Delhi views numbers as different from numbers or natural numbers, whereas numbers represent qualities, while numbers represent quantities. While the numbers act on the spiritual plane, the numbers serve the material plane.

Numbers, therefore, are the only elements that can tell us how to act in our lives, controlling our destiny. They are eternal and universal, and, as Plato said, one of the main followers of the teachings of Pythagoras, numbers rule the world.

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Vastu Shastra or Feng Shui- Which one to trust?

As soon as you begin to explore various ancient systems, whether for your healing or the surrounding space, at some point the question of the accuracy of the information will arise. And this is true. If everything you study does not raise questions, then perhaps you do not learn.

The ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood is a skill that requires constant sharpening. When it comes to such ancient systems of knowledge as feng shui, vastu shastra, astrology, numerology India and many others, you come across such thick layers of knowledge, where misunderstanding, cultural features, superstitions and facts based only on local topography and not applicable universally.

In other words, you cannot follow the same principles for building a home in California and somewhere in the province of China. In this, there is nothing but common sense. You cannot follow the same principles, even in places that seem similar, because each situation is unique in its way, with its special air circulation, light, and topography.

Exploring Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra, take from them what is right for you today, and leave the rest for later. Over time, you will discover pearls, real treasures, and, perhaps, it will happen immediately, it is only necessary to lay out the ancient information encrypted in the symbols carefully.

Yes, what we perceive and know about the vastu India and Feng Shui can be very limited, since ancient wisdom is not easy to translate into modern language and it is not easy to apply it in the contemporary world. However, if you allow your intuition to read the information, then the benefits from both systems of knowledge will be enormous.

There is much in common between Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra. After all, both systems are based on knowledge of the flow of universal energy, known as qi in Chinese culture and as prana in India.

Pregnancy with Astrology

Astrology is par excellence the science of the living and the mutation since it is interesting at the same time with our personality (susceptible of evolution), our relations with others (changing) and with our destiny. It is a period of life, or somewhat of proto-life, notably marked by mutation: the fetal life, the wonders of nature making us, in a few months, move from the cellular state to that of a human being.

Many people, however, wonder if the stars already play a role at this existential level.

Fertility astrologer correspondence of the first six months of pregnancy
Traditionally, the Moon represents fertility, pregnancy and it is not surprising therefore to find the sign of Cancer as a symbol of the first month. Moreover, the karmic branch of astrology considers the Moon as the planet of incorporation (integration of the soul into a carnal body).
  • On the other hand, we will assign the first sign (Aries) to the first week since we have here,   par excellence "the initial vital spark, the beginning."
  • It will be noted that the first day of life is therefore under the double aegis of the Moon and     Mars.
  • The evolution is detailed weekly and concluded by one or more keywords directly related to   the sign presiding the said week.
  • The study concerns both the fetus and the mother who also experiences many mutations during pregnancy.
What options does the medical astrology remedies offer? We need to look for a geographical location, where the forecast will have favorable aspects for the conception-birth of a child. There will be an entirely different horoscope. To go there to live or calculate, when there will be pleasant moments for conception and to leave during this period.

Sunday, 12 November 2017

How do Numerology and Astrology help in Love?

Some people associate numerology with astrology. However, you must understand and remember that there are vast differences between them. Astrology uses the signs of the Zodiac, while numerology relies only on numbers. Astrology of numerology does not apply any signs of the zodiac or horoscopes. The number and its values can be calculated using the name given from birth, and the date of birth. The calculation process is not as complicated as it may seem. It only includes adding numbers and converting the letters of the name into numbers.

Numerology is very different from astrology. One of these differences is that astrology does not use the zodiac signs or horoscopes, but use zodiacs to calculate the numbers of the months and days. But usually, the emphasis is more on numbers. Check out the services of top 10 astrologers to understand the concept better.

Compared with astrology, numerology does not predict your future or career. However, the values of numbers are based on your experience. Also, numerology does not foresee a future career. The values of numbers only help to choose the future work.

These values also suggest ways to avoid falling under negative energy flows, which can adversely affect the pursuit of success. Moreover, they can help you to form talents and personality that will lead you to success.

For those who hear about vastu consultants expert for the first time: you have to understand that in this way you will not know your future. Nobody knows the future. Even the numbers cannot predict it. All you need to do is create your destiny and concentrate on what you want to achieve in life. If you know the meaning of your birth number and the number of expressions, be sure to use them wisely. It is not necessary to believe in these values. The decision is yours.

Friday, 13 October 2017

Numerology: Meaning of Karmic Numbers

Karmic Numbers in Numerology are those that mark the keys of the past life. In addition to everything that could have been done or was left to do and how this affects the present of the person and the future that awaits.

Inside them is the 13 that marks the death. This is seen beyond the end of life and marks the transformation or completion of a cycle. To exert his influence, best numerologist in India refer to work on the material plane and warns of laziness and vagrancy.

Numbers 14 and 16

There is also the digit 14 as Karmic Number. This has to do with the loss of material goods or the failure that occurred or will occur shortly in business. This is because of the mismanagement that has been done. Unfortunately, the bearer will find it very difficult to learn the lesson and overcome obstacles. Best numerologist in India can help one to overcome to karmic numbers.

The 16th marks his possessor as a person who is swollen with pride. It is also ruled by ignorance and unscrupulous acts to reach its low and dark desires.

Number 19

Numerologist Delhi also considers Digit 19 as the Karmic number. This symbolizes that the person will have everything he sows in the present life. That is why you should avoid vile acts towards other people, or you run the risk of receiving the same payment and much worse.

He will also face the consequences of secrets that come to light and pay for past mistakes. Karma will be returned in unexpected ways, and the person must be prepared to withstand the onslaught of fate with the help of Numerologist Delhi.

Astrology And Karma

The stars influence human lives and destiny then we have to accept that the planets, the stars and the personal or natal Cosmogram point the way or give us hints about reincarnation, this field of astrology is known as Karmic astrology.

Astrology karmic by Astrologer Tirupati studies the zodiacal keys that allow you to find out more about your previous life, to become aware of your defects, vices of your wrong zones, of the abuses you have committed and according to this, to know the changes that you must make in our lives today.

Many Hindu and Western texts, as well as years of experience in Astrology practice, have shown that this astral core of the past lives is not only a complement to the sun sign or our sun sign or rising sign but depends on other laws that are far above the free will.

According to Astrologer Trimbakeshwar, in the vast river of life, it is better to swim in favor of the stream than against it.

There are several kinds of Karma:
  • Earth karma manifests itself as tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.
  • The karma of the nation, this is when you touch a bad ruler for example.
  • Astrologer Trimbakeshwar explains about Family Karma which helps in analyzing the enemy among family member.
  • And finally-  individual or personal karma.

According to Astrologer Tirupati, there is also a DHARMA that is everything, the opposite of Karma and means prize.

The Nodes Called Dragon's Head And Tail

The Moon Nodes is the result of the two different points where the moon orbit and the ecliptic (or Earth Orbit) are cut off. These two points move backward from one sign to another from Aries to Pisces. And they are the keys to evolve and clarify the present destination, the person who is not in tune with the nodes has an imbalance in his life. But when the individual becomes aware of his actions, he is evolving and fulfilling entirely with his task and destiny.

Monday, 18 September 2017

Pregnancy Horoscope Prediction – Why You Need This

Parents want to get everything perfect for their children, and that process starts even before the child born. They find out the best doctors who can help the mother in the delivery process so that they child can be brought into this earth safely. Some parents go to the astrologers too. They want to get pregnancyhoroscope prediction for their child so that the baby can be born at the most suitable time.

Once your ob-gyn gives you the final date and time of the delivery, then you can go to the astrologer and ask him to prepare that horoscope to check whether that particular date and time is good enough for a newborn or not. If the prediction tells you that you should wait for one more day or make it a little early, then you can talk to the doctors according to the same.

Nowadays, most of the doctors also become ready to follow such predictions to make their patients feel happy and relaxed during the child birth. However, if the doctor finds any critical or emergency condition regarding the pregnancy then he can decide to go for immediate c-section surgery, and in that case, those requests cannot be fulfilled.

The main motto of getting those pregnancy horoscope predictions is to know whether the child will have a successful life ahead or whether he needs to struggle a lot in his life. In this present stressful time, parents become highly anxious about the future of their unborn babies, and they do not want them to struggle as they did in their life. Hence, they take the help of childbirth astrologer to be sure about this matter.

Thursday, 17 August 2017

Get Help from Professional Astrologers Regarding Child Birth

When infertility is a big issue all over the world, there are many couples who find the solution after following the advice of their astrologers in this matter. Yes, of course, fertility or child birth is a question of biology and not astrology, but the truth is the connection of the position of your stars and planets with the matter of getting pregnant cannot be ignored or denied. Nothing can happen before the right time. Your fertility astrologer can tell you which will be a good time to try for pregnancy or when you should decide to have a family.

As the time passes and infertility or insecurity with child birth becomes a serious issue worldwide more and more couples prefer to book an appointment with the renowned astrologers to know what would be the right time for them to plan a family. In many cases, couples try for several years but do not get any result. They do not have any physical issue or insufficiency that can stop them from being parents, but still, somehow the matter is not working rightly. It is not the right time for them to try pregnancy. They should consult child birth astrologer and know which will be the best time for them to have a family.

The guidance of these astrologers can make it easier for them to have a baby safely. Moreover, they can tell you when you should plan the delivery so that your baby can be born healthy with a good fortune.