Wednesday, 17 January 2018

The concept of Medical Astrology

MEDICAL astrology, as a system of knowledge about the world and man, has methods of healing the body without expensive medications and other ineffective treatment courses. But in ancient times (in antiquity and the Middle Ages) from all directions and possibilities of astrology, the most important was precisely medical astrology. 

Since the time of Hippocrates in medicine, the golden rule is known: "correctly diagnosed is at least half the success in treatment." Modern medical equipment and preparations did not exist then, so all the hope for the correct diagnosis and selection of a practical course of treatment was assigned to astrologers. Over the past three millennia, a vast knowledge base on the impact of cosmic rhythms on the human body has accumulated in medical astrology.

Medical astrology remedies are one of the most ancient and weighty sections of astrology. A medical astrological forecast will help you become healthy and begin the process of recovery. The purpose of using medical astrology is to:

  • Warn a person about the ailments that threaten him,
  •  Help him to prevent them,
  • To see in the bud the threat of a severe illness,
  • And to timely eliminate it,
  • To prevent the development of the disease;
  • And if the condition is already there - then cure a person, rid him of the illness.

So, several centuries ago, in fertility astrologer and medical astrology, an opening was made - the biological clock (rhythms) can be restarted! Get rid of the troubles caused by the consequence of desynchronizes can reset your natural rhythms. Then your body itself, without external influences and medicines will go back to normal. Immunity will increase, and the body will begin to fight with the old, living in it viruses and infections, organs and systems will start to function openly. 

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

Achieve success in your own consequences with Astrology

From childhood, we hear about the success that we need to get to become happy and knowingly live life. Achieve success in the profession and finances, success in your personal life and pass on success to children. But as long as we live with these childhood-induced thoughts, that we need to be successful in some specific things, we run the risk of never real success.

Numerology India describes that there are many people who are unable to make it success to their career but are still happy, and someone even with a happy family will not feel successful. It's just that each person has his tasks and his ways of living a given life: in wealth or poverty, in the company or solitude, in his country or wanderings around the world.

The task of each person should not be to achieve success in concrete things learned from childhood but to succeed in living their uniqueness, without looking back at their neighbor. This is a very vague and open state of consciousness, accompanied by high confidence in life and readiness for any turn of events. Each person is available this success of being himself. Moreover, this is his most legitimate right; you only need to claim it back. 

Having abandoned the ideas of an inevitable future and some specific self, having ceased to believe in the standard conditions for success, while creating in the heart a sincere desire to follow their path without fear and looking around, a person will begin to feel an integral every second success in his beautiful and unique life.